Monday 13 December 2010

ITAP Week 9 - Development of Creative Structure in Illustration and Graphic Art

Developing Ideational Fluency

It is really frustrating when you have to come with something when you can't think of anything and the deadline is near, but my head is going to explode soon for I can't come up with anything. What I tend to do is google and doodles. I google on some images relating what I am doing, screen through some pictures and go here and there looking at pictures for inspiration. At the same time I doodle around my sketch book think hard what can I do with the shapes and everything else. Slowly from a circle I get a figure, gradually that's how the final piece gets done. Doodles and images, my source of inspiration.

In this sketch here I am trying to design a signage for toilets. Male and female, I thought hard how to make it interesting and my target audiences are mainly students in the Uni and also visitors. As you can see in my sketch, I came up with figures of a man and a woman which I thought is quite nice and elegant but, I decided to leave that for maybe something in the future and tried to do something rather humorous and young. In this signage I have thought a lot about the characteristics of man and female and tried to emphasize on it. 


The male I sketched a man standing urinating and for the woman I sketched a woman sitting. I got this idea when I was trying to get something from what people do in the toilet and how can I make this to be recognizable immediately without direct lettering. I thought that the big difference between man and woman using toilet is this and it would be quite interesting and fun to see the urinating signage, you might say man sits too, and that is why i had the female's chest illustrated broader.

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